Have you ever thought about the health of your gums?

Bleeding Gums: Why and What to do

By: Dr. Aqsa Kamal

Have you ever thought about the health of your gums? Dental health isn’t the only important factor in oral hygiene but your ‘gum’ health is also very important. Problems like swollen gums or bleeding gums is an indication that you have gum disease. Your gums area is a very delicate part of your mouth. Hard teeth brushing or improper debris removal may cause gum disease.
Bleeding from gums is mostly due to improper plaque removal, referred to as gingivitis. The advanced form of gum & jawbone disease is known as periodontitis.
Some of the causes of bleeding gums are:


1: Teeth brushing too hard
2: Hormonal factors
3: Bleeding disorders
4: Vitamin k deficiency
5: Scurvy
6: Improper flossing
7:Ill-fitting dentures
8: Leukemia
So always be conscious about the hygiene of your oral cavity. If you suffer from bleeding gums, consult with your doctor and apply these home-care remedies:


1: Teeth brushing using a soft bristle tooth brush
2: Salt water rinses
3: Proper teeth flossing and not too excessive or harsh
4: Reduce snacking and junk food
5: Do not use alcohol containing mouthwash.
When should you consult a doctor?


1: When bleeding persists even after treatment
2: If you’ve been suffering from bleeding gums for a long time
3: You have other symptoms associated with bleeding gums.
A little home care can give you a healthy disease-free life. Health is wealth. It is very important to take care of your oral cavity. Your gums are very delicate. Hard brushing or any trauma can lead to painful disorders. So always be careful and smile.


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